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Join date: Nov 26, 2021


In the last five years I have strength my experience as a future studies and philosophy researcher. In 2012 I was part of the Embrapa's Strategic Intelligence System - Agropensa ( conception team. Since 2013 I have been occupying management positions at Agropensa and leading the System from 2018 till now. In 2018 I became a founder and senior researcher at Núcleo de Estudos Prospectivos - NEP (Prospective Studies Research Group), recently incorporated to the graduate program of Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB (Catholic University of Brasilia) and officially certified as a research group by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). Also, since 2020 I am a researcher at Political Philosophy Nucleus of the PUC-SP Policy, Behavior and Media Laboratory. I would like to highlight my recent published article "Foresight as decision-making support within bounded rationality in individuals and organizations – Embrapa’s strategic intelligence system – Agropensa’s case". Currently, my main research interests are "strategic intelligence", "future studies", "prospective", "epistemology" and "future studies epistemology".

Marcos Pena Jr

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